Replica Dance Company - Resolution.

Nursey Bang Bang recommends you go buy your tickets for this unique performance by the talented dancers, Tom and Hannily, of Replica.

"4:14" is a  story of travel and love set in 1930s New York.
"We are very excited to be performing our latest work, "4:14" as part of Resolution! at The Place. We hope that you will be able to come along and be a part of the evening. 

The performance takes place on Wednesday 11th January 2012 at 8pm at Robin Howard Theatre, The Place, 17 Dukes Road, London. WC1H 9PY

Tickets are £14.00/£11.00 (concessions)/ £10.00 each for groups (10 in a group)
To book tickets: TEL: 0207 121 1100 or VISIT: